La Vice toma distancia

 La vicepresidente Victoria Villarruel hizo una llamativa declaración respecto de la marcha, teniendo en cuenta su posicionamiento político y sus ideas. Evidentemente, la Vicepresidente se quiso despegar del Gobierno. Pero lo hizo con un episodio totalmente impensable en ella y de su presunto electorado.

May God help us (English Version)

Deliberately, at the end of the event in which the early retirement pension announcement was made, hyperactive Juan Manzur said that a woman saluted him asking that may God help him. “I hope God helps us, because we need it”, the oxrtodox-peronism contender for the presidency confessed. 

As important as the government of Tucumán may be, the position of the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers within a beaten Peronist government – which could also predict the end of a partisan stage–, must be practically an electric chair.

Probably this public server with a placid face of a man from the inland, is living an extraordinarily intense moment, those kinds of moments which wake up every inch of the spirit. 

A few days before, this maronita christian had been at the mass that was being celebrated as an apology for the desecration occurred in the San Charbel eparchy in Buenos Aires, where some confirm to have seen a common robbery, while others suspected something else.

What was Manzur praying for? To win elections?

“Reverting the elections results isn’t the most important matter. What matters to me the most is to turn social plans into real jobs”, stated the closest Minister to Alberto Fernández, the Minister of Social Development Juan Zabaleta, in a dialogue with TN media channel. 

“When messages coming out from the society are crystal clear, changes must be made”, Andrés Larroque, Miniser of Social Development of Buenos Aires province, admitted to Radio 10. “It’s a way of showing respect to the message brought by the votes”.

Peronism is going through in labor seizures. The two potential candidates who emerged earlier this year have now blurred, they are: Sergio Massa, who ended up dissipating the minimum trust his partners still were provided him, and Axel Kicillof, who lost the respect that he used to have in the eyes of Vicepresident Cristina Kirchner 

The already broken Government’s coalition could be pointing to head to different scenarios. The only figure that seems to keep the interest in reverting the electoral result of PASO elections was the one who gave up the most in order to assure a triumph in September. Cristina F. Kirchner may be interested in holding the power at the Senate, and seems to be the most concerned about a potential defeat in 2023. 

The President seems not much concerned about November's result. He must be more focused in finishing his presidential mandate. An electoral recovery, which is not necessarily a victory, would be enough to achieve this. Unless the reversion of the electoral results in a strengthening of the congressional power of Frente de Todos (FT), which would leave him at the mercy of his former partners (as we have already mentioned, Frente de Todos alliance has broken down).

The only truth is that they are definitely discussing the present and future of their political party. Ariel Sujarchuk, Major of Escobar town of greater Buenos Aires, had to publicly deny the rumours on his breakup with the Frente de Todos. In the meantime, the shares of his contender, Major Fernando Gray of Esteban Etchevarria town, were rising at the speed of cryptocurrencies within the Justicialista Party in Buenos Aires. Everyone appears to be looking for guilty. They smell the fear of the ancient hierarchs and bark loudly. “One day people will rise against the media”, Mario Ishii shouted threateningly, as if trying to get even with the messenger of doom.

On the other side, those who did not lose know that their success lasted only one night and that the Argentinians didn’t appoint new leaderships with their votes. María Eugenia Vidal seems wasted, and Diego Santilli still appears to be a person that stands far from people's every day concerns.

The majority forces, which seemed to have gathered the opinion of the people by dint of widening the crack, now seem crowded into the Ministry of Industry demanding the approval of the SIMIS – the governmental system that controls importations. A boosted Marcos Peña passed by for the reopening of the border with Brazil, whom Horacio Rodríguez Larreta convoked urgently when he started to fear losing Ricardo López Murphy’s votes to the dark-haired clone of Benny Hill (Javier Milei).

Defiant outsider Milei confirmed that "a formula with Patricia Bullrich in 2023 should not be discounted," during an interview with ElDiarioAr digital newspaper. Liberals and the Left Party had a great electoral performance and can repeat it, and even in some cases, as Milei's, increase it in the upcoming general election. In the province of Buenos Aires, we will have to keep an eye on Cynthia Hotton, who survived to the atomized division of the right-wing political parties spectrum and who seems, like Manzur himself, to request divine help to take possession of the light blue color.

The quote

“There are movements to replace or, at least, significantly weaken Kristalina Georgieva, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund since 2019”

From Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel laureate and mentor of Minister Martín Guzmán in an opinion article published by Project Syndicate.

The character

Horacio Rosatti, recently elected president of the Supreme Court of Justice, is the character of the week as he will hold the power of the only truly independent power branch of the Argentinian State. On the other hand, this Santa Fe constitutionalist attorney, who quit Néstor Kirchner’s administration –apparently not to denounce corruption after taking office as Minister of Justice replacing Gustavo Beliz vacancy–, and who was nominated by Mauricio Macri for his current role as Minister of the Supreme Role, seems to be one of those Peronists who are angry with the current misruling and the loss of direction within the Peronist party. We would say that rather that sooner than later we will perceive his presence as head of the Judicial Power.
